Low-voltage spin-dependent tunneling spectroscopy of an epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junction is measured and compared to first-principles calculation of the tunneling conductance. The measured dynamic conductance ͑dI / dV͒ in the parallel configuration shows distinct asymmetric features as a function of the bias voltage. The peaks are independent of barrier thickness, magnetic field, and temperature. With the help of the first-principles calculations, positive and negative bias spectra can be related to different types of Fe/MgO interfaces.The discovery of tunneling magnetoresistance ͑TMR͒ ͑Refs. 1-3͒ and giant TMR ͑Refs. 4-11͒ in magnetic tunnel junctions ͑MTJs͒ leads to an intense interest in the spindependent tunneling spectroscopy. 12-17 By measuring the first and second derivatives of the I-V curve of a tunnel junction, it is hoped that features such as interface resonant states 18 can be revealed. In tunneling spectroscopy, measured dI / dV curves of common tunnel junctions are rather featureless. Peaks in d 2 I / dV 2 are used to identify inelastic processes in tunneling, commonly called inelastic electron-tunneling ͑IET͒ spectroscopy. Few experiments have been able to produce dI / dV curve with identifiable features that can be compared to theory.A MTJ has two states that are switched by a magnetic field. One is an antiparallel ͑AP͒ configuration where the magnetizations of two electrodes are opposite to each other and the other a parallel ͑P͒ configuration where the magnetizations are aligned. Exception for one or two works, 19 most dI / dV measurements for both configurations are featureless. However, the IET spectra ͑d 2 I / dV 2 ͒ for two configurations are very different. There are usually multiple peaks in the d 2 I / dV 2 of the P configuration, which are generally identified with the electron-magnon-and electron-phonon-scattering processes. For the AP configuration, the dominant features are the peaks in d 2 I / dV 2 due to the logarithmic singularity of the zero-bias anomaly, also attributed to the electron-magnon scattering. 20 Due to the lack of features in the measured dynamic conductance, spin-dependent tunneling spectroscopy has not been able to provide much information on interface structures of MTJs despite the realization that such measurements should be sensitive to the changes at the interfaces. 21 In this paper, we report measurements of the dynamic conductance and IET spectrum in fully epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe MTJs. By carefully eliminating most of the junction defects that can smear out features in the spectroscopy measurement, clear features emerge in the dynamic conductance ͑dI / dV − V͒ of the P configuration. The peaks in dI / dV are matched to the peaks in the transmission probability calculated from first principles under ͑nonself-consistent͒ finite biases for three types of Fe/MgO interface structure, symmetry Fe/ MgO/Fe junction, asymmetric Fe/MgO/vacancy/Fe, and Fe/ FeO/MgO/Fe junctions. Furthermore, features in d 2 I / dV 2 can be identified from the peaks in dI / dV whi...