We report on B2-ordering dependence of magnetostatic surface spin waves in ferromagnetic FeRh at room temperature. Spin waves transmit over a distance longer than 21 µm in highly ordered FeRh alloys even with relatively large spin-orbit interaction. The long-range transmission likely arises from the induced Rh moments of the ordered FeRh due to ferromagnetic exchange interaction between Fe and Rh. The results indicate a potential of using FeRh in spintronic and magnonic applications by integrating with other fascinating magnetic characteristics of FeRh such as electric field induced magnetic phase transition.PACS numbers: 75.30.Ds, Spin waves or magnons, that is, well-defined collective propagation modes of the precession of magnetic moments in a ferromagnet, have attracted great attention due to their potential for use in information transmission media 1-5 . The less energy-dissipative propagation of spin waves in ferromagnets provides the breakthrough that opens up a new pathway for exploiting low-power electronic technologies. In this perspective, spin wave propagation in ferrimagnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet 1,2 and metallic NiFe 3-5 that show very low damping of spin precession during the propagation has been investigated. Spin waves in other magnetic materials, however, have little been discussed although a number of magnetic materials have already been utilized for magnetic and spintronic applications so far.Among a variety of magnetic materials, unique magnetic properties of B2-ordered FeRh alloys are currently being researched extensively, e.g., antiferromagnetic (AFM) -ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition 6-17 accompanied by a large reduction in the resistivity 14 , an isotropic volume expansion of ∼1% at the AFM-FM phase transition 13 , giant magneto-resistance 17 , laser driven ultrafast switching of the magnetic phases 18 , and exchange bias at AFM FeRh/ferromagnetic metal interface 19,20 . Recent work also has demonstrated electric field induced AFM-FM phase transition due to strain transfer effects 21-24 , spin polarized current induced AFM-FM phase transition in FeRh 25,26 , and AFM memristers 27,28 . Such exciting magnetic properties offer an opportunity to be integrated in a vastly expanded range of spintronic applications. Despite, spin waves in FeRh has never been explored experimentally; even excitation and detection of spin waves have not been reported.In this paper, we report on excitation and detection of magnetostatic surface spin waves in ferromagnetic FeRh with different B2-ordering. B2-order parameter (S) dependence of the dispersion relationship of spin waves in FeRh epitaxial thin films is discussed. We find that the a) Electronic mail: taniyama.t.aa@m.titech.ac.jp transmission length of the spin waves is relatively long over 21 µm in highly ordered FeRh with S = 0.75. The long transmission length in the ordered FeRh is likely associated with the induced Rh moments by ferromagnetic exchange interaction between Fe and Rh in the ordered structure. From the fundamental physics poin...