We derive detailed and integral quantum fluctuation theorems for heat exchange in a quantum correlated bipartite thermal system using the framework of dynamic Bayesian networks. Contrary to the usual two-projective-measurement scheme that is known to destroy quantum features, these fluctuation relations fully capture quantum correlations and quantum coherence at arbitrary times.Fluctuation theorems are fundamental generalizations of the second law of thermodynamics for small systems. While the entropy production Σ is a nonnegative deterministic quantity for macroscopic systems, it becomes random at the microscopic scale owing to the presence of nonnegligible thermal [1,2] or quantum [3,4] fluctuations. Detailed fluctuation theorems quantify the probability of occurrence of negative entropy production events via the general relation P (Σ)/P (−Σ) = exp(Σ) [5]. Integral fluctuation theorems take on the form exp(−Σ) = 1 after integration over Σ. The concavity of the exponential function then implies that the entropy production is only positive on average, Σ ≥ 0. The generic validity of fluctuation theorems arbitrarily far from equilibrium makes them particularly useful in nonequilibrium physics. They have been extensively investigated for this reason, both theoretically and experimentally, for classical systems [6,7]. These studies have provided unique insight into the thermodynamics of microscopic systems, from colloidal particles to enzymes and molecular motors [1,2].The situation is more involved in the quantum regime. Quantum fluctuation theorems are commonly studied within the two-point-measurement (TPM) scheme [3,4]. In this approach, the energy change, and in turn the entropy production, of a quantum system are determined for individual realizations by projectively measuring the energy at the beginning and at the end of a nonequilibrium protocol [8]. Equivalent formulations based on Ramsey-like interferometry [10,11] and generalized measurements [12] have also been proposed. These methods were used to perform experimental tests of quantum fluctuations theorems, both for mechanically driven [13][14][15] and thermally driven [16] systems, using NMR, trappedion and cold-atom setups. The TPM procedure successfully captures the discrete quantum energy spectrum of the system, as well as its nonequilibrium quantum dynamics between the two measurements [9]. However, due to its projective nature, it completely fails to account for quantum correlations and quantum coherence, two central features of quantum theory, that may be present in initial and final states of the system. In that sense, the TPM scheme may thus be viewed as not fully quantum.In this paper, we present detailed and integral quantum fluctuation theorems for heat exchange between quantum correlated bipartite thermal systems using a dynamic Bayesian network approach [17,18]. Global and local descriptions of a composite system usually differ because of quantum correlations. The dynamic Bayesian network offers a powerful framework to specify the local dynam...