It is shown that the experimentally observed band narrowing, the large quasiparticle damping, the small exchange splitting, and the existence of satellites can be reproduced semiquantitatively with use of the low-density approximation to describe correlations between Ni 3d electrons. The exchange splitting of t 2g states (~0.37 eV) is found to be considerably larger than that between e g states (~0.21 eV). A new satellite is predicted about 2 eV below the main "6-eV" satellite.The valence spectra of bulk Ni have received considerable attention since they exhibit several features which cannot be reconciled with the oneelectron band model: (i) the width of the Ni 3d band is about 25% smaller 1 than that predicted theoretically 2 ; (ii) the intrinsic width of spectral features in angle-resolved energy distributions is about 1.2 eV near the bottom of the d band, 3 i.e., much larger than in the case of Cu; (iii) the measured exchange splitting 3 " 5 (0.25-0.35 eV) is approximately half as large as that derived from band theory 2 (0.65 eV); and (iv) a shakeup structure is observed 1 ' 6 at about 6 eV below the Fermi energy.The purpose of the present paper is (a) to predict the existence of yet another satellite at about 2 eV below the main satellite, and (b) to show | ImS" q (o),£) that all four observations described above can be semiquantitatively understood on the basis of correlations among d electrons which determine the spectral distribution of the created hole. The exchange splitting of t 2g states (-0.37 eV) is found to be nearly twice as large as that of e g states (0.21 eV) due to the nonspherical nature of the spin density. The new satellite is predicted to have purely majority spin polarization and to exhibit very weak Fano enhancement. It is shown that this feature is the remnant of the \S term of the atomic d 8 multiplet. The remaining terms combine to a main satellite or merge with the dband states. The spectral function of the hole which is created in the photoemission process is given by the expression A ">>* )= ;rr^ • *Ina -ReS" a (co,1E)J 2 +llmS" a (a;,S)J where €"j" a are the band energies and £ na (co,K), are the diagonal elements of the self-energy matrix. It is assumed that off-diagonal elements can be ignored. The degenerate Hubbard model 7 is used to describe the interactions between d electrons. Since the number of hole states in the Ni d band is small and the interaction between d electrons is short ranged, the low-density approximation is assumed to be adequate. 8 ' 9 In this limit, the self-energy may be written in terms of the t matrix, t = (U" 1 +G (2) )" 1 . G (2) denotes the twoparticle Green's function and U is the intra-atomic Coulomb matrix:
a)where p represents the average density and/ the Fermi function. The direct and exchange processes can then be shown to give the following expression for the self-energy 10 : 5 2 a = l j = l (4) ^ = <^m 1 (? 1 )^(? 2 )l^1 2 l^(? 1 )^m 4 (r 2 )),with i^tzg, e g . The n {^ denote the number of holes per minority t^ and^ band and the r a are defin...