The giant monopole, dipole and quadrupole responses in 40 Ca, 90 Zr, 120 Sn and 208 Pb are investigated using linear response treatment based on a stochastic one-body transport theory. Effects of the coupling to low-lying surface modes (coherent mechanism) and the incoherent mechanism due to nucleon-nucleon collisions are included beyond the usual mean-field description. We emphasize the importance of both mechanism in the fragmentation and damping of giant resonance. Calculated spectra are compared with experiment in terms of percentage of Energy-Weighted SumRules in various energy regions. We obtained reasonable agreement in all cases. A special attention as been given to the fragmentation of the Giant Quadrupole Resonance in calcium and lead. In particular, the equal splitting of the 2 + in 40 Ca is correctly reproduced. In addition, the appearance of fine structure in the response 208 Pb is partly described by the calculations in which the coherent mechanism play an important role. (February 2, 2017) PACS: 24.30. Cz, 21.60.Jz, 25.70.Lm