( ,n) 196 Au reaction cross sections as the standard for the absolute photon intensity determination. The metallic indium samples of the natural and enriched compositions were irradiated by the bremsstrahlung beams from thin tantalum converters of the electron linear accelerator of NSC KIPT (Kharkiv) and the microtron of IEP (Ughhorod). The integral reaction yields were determined from the activities of the nuclei-products measured by the high resolution -ray spectrometry technique with Ge(Li)-and HPGe-detectors. The reaction rates for the Planck spectrum of a thermal photon bath were derived for the ground state target nuclei and compared to the predictions of the statistical model of nuclear reactions.
IntroductionNaturally occurred weak-abundant proton-rich isotopes of a group named as p-nuclei can not be reached by the stellar slow (s) and rapid (r) neutron capture processes synthesizing the overwhelming majority of middle and heavy nuclei. Proton capture reactions (p-process) and photodisintegration of s-and r-process seed nuclei ( -process) are considered as most probable mechanisms of the p-nuclei synthesis. The large network of low energy nuclear reaction rates (derived from the cross sections) is required for the p-nuclei natural abundance simulation and parametrization of the statistical theory of nuclear reactions called to supply non-measurable reaction cross sections. The -process temperatures of T 9 =2 3 (T 9 is the temperature in 10 9 Kelvin) are provided by the oxygen-and neon-rich layers of type II supernovae and the stellar reaction rates are determined by the product of the Planck spectrum of the black-body radiation characteristic for the thermal interior of a star and the photonuclear reaction cross section [1,2]. As a result, the significant astrophysical energy range is the region of (1.5 2.0) MeV immediately above the photonuclear reaction threshold. Electron accelerators were earlier used as powerful sources of bremsstrahlung for measurements of photonuclear reaction cross sections. However over the years major portion of photonuclear reaction cross section measurements was fulfilled at larger energies.The integral yields and derived the ( ,n)-reaction rates for the nuclei of the indium isotopes near the threshold energies would be useful for the problem of the p-nuclei stellar synthesis and parametrization of the statistical theory of nuclear reactions.