Vibronic coupling, the interplay of electronic and nuclear vibrational motion, is considered a critical mechanism in photoinduced reactions such as energy transfer, charge transfer, and singlet fission. However, our understanding of how particular vibronic couplings impact excited-state dynamics is lacking due to the limited number of experimental studies of model molecular systems. Herein, we use two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) to launch and interrogate a range of vibronic coherences in two distinct types of perylenediimide slip stacksalong the short and long molecular axes, which form either an excimer or a mixed state between the Frenkel exciton (FE) and charge transfer states. We explore the functionality of these vibronic coherences using quantum beatmaps, which display the Fourier amplitude signal oscillations as a function of pump and probe frequencies, along with knowledge of the characteristic signatures of the FE, ionic, and excimer species. We find that a low-frequency vibrational mode of the short-axis slip stack appears concomitantly with the formation of the excimer state, survives 2-fold longer than in the FE state in the reference monomer, and shows a phase shift compared to other modes. For the long-axis slip stacks, a pair of low-frequency modes coupled to a high-frequency coordinate of the FE state were found to play a critical role in mixed-state generation. Our findings thus experimentally reveal the complex and varying roles of vibronic couplings in tightly packed multimers undergoing a range of photoinduced processes.