Theoretical and experimental values of electric-dipole oscillator strengths for inert-gas atoms are analyzed to yield a set of oscillator strengths, which satisfy the Thomas-Kuhn sum rule, and which reproduce the experimental refractive indices and Verdet constants. These oscillator strengths are then used to calculate the long-range van der Waals interaction between all pairs of atoms selected from helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. The derived interaction constants are probably in error by less than 10%. They disagree with the currently accepted values of the interaction constants.
INTRODUCTIONT HE magnitudes of the long-range interactions between pairs of atoms are required in such diverse fields as low-energy elastic scattering, transport phenomena, crystal structure, and collision broadening of spectral lines. 1 In general, the quantum-mechanical calculation of this long range interaction is difficult and very few accurate theoretical calculations have been carried out. However, since the leading term in the series representation of the long-range force between two atoms can be expressed in terms of the electricdipole oscillator strengths of the atoms, 2 we can determine the magnitude of the long-range interaction between atoms for which we have reliable oscillator strengths. Previous theoretical calculations have determined the long-range interaction between two hydrogen atoms, 3 between two helium atoms, 4,5 between helium and its two metastable states, 6 between the two metastable states of helium, 6 between the alkali atoms and hydrogen, 7 between the alkali atoms and the inert gas atoms, 7 between the alkali atoms and the alkali atoms, 7 and also between all pairs selected from H, He, Ne, and A. 5 Using recently measured experimental values of the photoionization cross sections for neon, 8 argon, 9,10 krypton, 11,12 and xenon 9,13 and theoretical values of the oscillator strengths of helium, 14 we obtain the long-range interaction between all the inert gases.