By solving the many-body Bethe-Salpeter equation at finite momentum transfer, we characterize the exciton dispersion in two prototypical molecular crystals, picene and pentacene, in which localized Frenkel excitons compete with delocalized charge-transfer excitons. We explain the exciton dispersion on the basis of the interplay between electron and hole hopping and electron-hole exchange interaction, unraveling a simple microscopic description to distinguish Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons. This analysis is general and can be applied to other systems in which the electron wave functions are strongly localized, as in strongly correlated insulators. Excitons are neutral electronic excitations that dominate the low-energy part of the optical spectra in insulators and semiconductors. They consist of bound electron-hole (e-h) pairs that can be excited in several ways: by absorption of light and by relaxation of free electrons and holes after optical or electrical pumping. They play an essential role in many semiconductor applications (e.g., for light-emitting diodes, lasers, and photovoltaic cells) and give rise to the rich field of Bose-Einstein exciton condensates. [1][2][3] In all these cases it is fundamental to understand the decay rate and the propagation of the excitons. The latter is directly related to their energy dispersion as a function of momentum transfer. Recent advances in loss spectroscopies make it possible to map out the full momentum-energy exciton dispersion.
4-7On the other hand, the interpretation of these experimental spectra requires first-principles theoretical approaches able to describe and analyze excitons at finite momentum transfer. The Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) from many-body perturbation theory has become the most accurate framework to describe excitonic effects in the optical spectra of many materials. 8,9 However optical spectroscopy probes the zero-momentum-transfer limit only. Therefore first-principles analysis of the exciton dispersion is still an important goal to reach.Molecular crystals represent a textbook case 10,11 that clearly illustrates the need for advanced theoretical tools to understand the exciton dispersion. Typically, the lowest-energy excited states in these materials are strongly localized Frenkel (FR) excitons, where the interacting e-h pairs are localized on the same molecular unit. Charge-transfer (CT) excitons, in which e-h pairs are delocalized on different units, usually appear at higher energies in the spectra. However, when the molecular units are large enough, the effective interactions for e-h pairs localized on the same site or on two different sites become comparable and either CT or FR excitons can occur. Under these conditions many-body effects become crucial to set the character of the excitons and an ab initio treatment of the e-h interactions is thus required.In the present work we solve the BSE at finite-momentum transfer 12-14 to investigate two prototypical isoelectronic molecular crystals: picene and pentacene (see Fig. 1). By switc...