Recent applications of femtosecond laser assisted self-assembled nanostructures will be overviewed. Specifically, polarization sensitive optical elements and 5-dimensional optical data storage with practically unlimited life-time will be demonstrated and discussed. Material processing with ultrafast lasers has attracted considerable interest due to new science and a wide range of applications from laser surgery, integrated optics to optical data storage [1,2]. A decade ago it has been discovered that under certain irradiation conditions ordered sub-wavelength structures with features smaller than 20 nm can be formed in the volume of silica glass [3]. Here we discuss recent applications of self-assembled sub-wavelength structuring specifically polarization sensitive optical elements such as the S-waveplate and polarization multiplexed optical data storage.Nanogratings exhibits much larger refractive index change than isotropic refractive index increase which is exploited for waveguide writing. For diffractive optics the sign of refractive index does not play crucial role thus a negative refractive index change of nanogratings is well suited for this purpose. Additionally, the femtosecond laser written nanostructure acts as a micro-waveplate with slow axis oriented perpendicular to the polarization of the laser beam [4]. By continuously scanning the bulk of the glass a uniform birefringent layer can be inscribed, which depending on spatial pattern of slow axis can act as a certain optical element, which can control polarization and phase of the passing light (Fig. 1). Using lenses of moderate NA (0.15-0.2) the optical elements with half-wave retardance for ~500 nm can be written in a single scan at a speed of several millimeters per second. The half-wave retardance is of particular interest since, when circularly polarized light is transmitted through a half-wave plate an absolute phase shift results, which is equal to twice the rotation angle of the wave plate. Theoretically any phase pattern can be achieved solely by means of geometric phase with efficiencies reaching 100% [5]. The S-waveplates (Southampton-Super-Structured-waveplates) are one of the examples of such birefringent optical elements, which can be used for obtaining axially symmetric polarization state, e.g. radial or azimuthal [6]. Recently, such radial symmetry of the electric field attracted considerable interest due to its ability to produce strong longitudinal component. Alternatively, the same S-waveplate can be used for generating optical beams carrying angular momentum. The ability to control amount of angular momentum by changing polarization of incident beam is one of particular benefits of the S-waveplate. This enabled us to gradually control the torque transferred to microparticles trapped by an optical vortex [7]. We also were able to extend this technique to higher order optical vortices with charges as high as one hundred. The observed asymmetry in rotation speed proposes a technique for measuring the interaction between tra...