This paper reviews recent progress of theoretical studies on the metal‐insulator transition and the quantum condensation in photoexcited states, the electron‐hole (eh) systems, which are modeled by the e‐h (two‐band) Hubbard model with both repulsive U and attractive U ′ on‐site interactions. We confine ourselves to a quasithermal‐equilibrium situation. First, we introduce the dynamical mean‐field theory (DMFT) applied to the metalinsulator transition (called the “exciton Mott transition”) of the high‐dimensional e‐h systems at zero and finite temperatures T.We determined the phase diagram of the e‐h Hubbard model and the first‐order exciton Mott transition line in the plane of the (U ′;U) or (U = U ′ T).
We find two types of insulating phases: exciton‐like and biexciton‐like. At the Mott critical temperature such first‐order Mott transition disappears, and the crossover is observed above the critical temperature. Comparison with results by the slave‐boson mean‐field treatment is also made. Role of the inter‐site interaction is also discussed with the use of the extended DMFT. Second, we discuss the crossover between the exciton Bose‐Einstein condensation and the e‐h BCStype condensed state at low temperature using the selfconsistent t ‐matrix and local approximations within the framework of DMFT. We evaluate the transition temperature as a function of the interaction strength. Effects of repulsive on‐site interaction are analyzed. Third, for a one‐dimensional e‐h system, the bosonization and renormalization‐group techniques clarify that the most probable ground state is the insulating biexciton crystal, reflecting the e‐h backward scattering and the long‐range Coulomb interaction. The exciton Mott transition never occurs at zero temperature in one dimension. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)