Spin textures in k-space arising from spin-orbit coupling in non-centrosymmetric crystals find numerous applications in spintronics. We present a mechanism that leads to appearance of kspace spin texture due to spontaneous symmetry breaking driven by electronic correlations. Using dynamical mean-field theory we show that doping a spin-triplet excitonic insulator provides a means of creating new thermodynamic phases with unique properties. The numerical results are interpreted using analytic calculations within a generalized double-exchange framework.PACS numbers: 71.70. Ej,71.27.+a,75.40.Gb Manipulation of spin polarization by controlling charge currents and vice versa has attracted considerable attention due to applications in spintronic devices. A major role is played by spin-orbit (SO) coupling in non-centrosymmetric systems. As originally realized by Dresselhaus 1 and Rashba 2 , SO coupling in a noncentrosymmetric crystal lifts the degeneracy of the Bloch states at a given k-point and locks their momenta and spin polarizations together giving rise to a spin texture in reciprocal space. This leads to a number of phenomena 3 such as spin-torques in ferro-4,5 and anti-ferromagnets 6,7 , topological states of matter, or spin textures in the reciprocal space that are the basis of the spin galvanic effect. 8 Electronic correlations alone can provide coupling between spin polarization and charge currents, e.g., via effective magnetic fields acting on electrons moving through a non-coplanar spin background. 9,10 Wu and Zhang 11 proposed that SO coupling can be generated dynamically in analogy to the breaking of relative spin-orbit symmetry in 3 He 12 . Subsequently, an effective field theory of spin-triplet Fermi surface instabilities with high orbital partial wave was developed in Ref. 13.Here, we present a spontaneous formation of a k-space spin texture, similar to the effect of Rashba-Dresselhaus SO coupling, in centrosymmetric bulk systems with no intrinsic SO coupling. The spin texture is a manifestation of excitonic magnetism that has been proposed to take place in some strongly correlated materials. 14,15 The basic ingredient is a crystal built of atoms with quasidegenerate singlet/triplet ground states. Under suitable conditions a spin-triplet exciton condensate 16,17 is formed, which may adopt a variety of thermodynamic phases with diverse properties 18 . Several experimental realizations of excitonic magnetism have already been discussed in the literature. [19][20][21][22][23] Model. We use the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to study the minimal model of an excitonic magnet -the two-orbital Hubbard Hamiltonian at half- fillingThe local part of the Hamiltonian contains the crystalfield splitting ∆ between the orbitals labeled a and b and the Coulomb interaction with ferromagnetic Hund's exchange J. The kinetic part H t describes the nearestneighbor hopping on the square lattice between the same orbital flavors t a , t b as well as cross-hopping between the different orbital flavors V 1 , V 2 , see Fi...