Sodium poly(isoprenesulfonate) (NaPIS) fractions consisting of 1,4-and 3,4-isomeric units (0.44:0.56) and ranging in molecular weight from 4.9 ϫ 10 3 to 2.0 ϫ 10 5 were studied by static and dynamic light scattering, sedimentation equilibrium, and viscometry in aqueous NaCl of a salt concentration (C s ) of 0.5-M at 25°C. Viscosity data were also obtained at C s ϭ 0.05, 0.1, and 1 M. The measured z-average radii of gyration ͗S 2 ͘ z 1/2 , intrinsic viscosities [], and translational diffusion coefficients D at C s ϭ 0.5-M showed that high molecular weight NaPIS in the aqueous salt behaves like a flexible chain in the good solvent limit. On the assumption that the distribution of 1,4and 3,4-isomeric units in the NaPIS chain is completely random, the [] data for high molecular weights at C s ϭ 0.5 and 1 M were analyzed first in the conventional two-parameter scheme to estimate the unperturbed dimension at infinite molecular weight and the mean binary cluster integral. By further invoking a coarse-graining of the NaPIS molecule, all the [] and D data in the entire molecular weight range were then analyzed on the basis of the current theories for the unperturbed wormlike chain combined with the quasi-two-parameter theory. It is shown that the experimental ͗S 2 ͘ z , [], and D are explained by the theories with a degree of accuracy similar to that known for uncharged linear flexible homopolymers.