Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), like the majority of relatively violent sports, has mainly been organized around the capabilities of the male body. However various indices suggest that women's engagement with MMA is growing. The purpose of this paper is to offer an analysis of women's involvement in MMA using a figurational sociological approach. In doing so, we draw on interview data with "elite" female mixed martial artists to explore the extent to which females within MMA experience a specifically gendered "quest for excitement." The paper further illustrates how the notion of "civilized bodies" can be used to interpret the distinctly gendered experiences of shame in relation to fighting in combat sports, the physical markings incurred as a consequence, and perceptions of sexual intimacy in the close physical contact of bodies. In so doing this paper provides the first figurationally-informed study of female sport involvement to focus explicitly on the role of violence in mediating social relations, while refining aspects of the figurational sociological approach to provide a more adequate framework for the analysis of gender relations.Les arts martiaux mixtes (aussi connus sous l'abréviation MMA pour Mixed Martial Arts en anglais), comme la majorité des sports relativement violents, ont principalement été développés autour des capacités du corps masculin. Cependant, divers indices suggèrent que l'engagement des femmes en MMA est en pleine croissance. Le but de cet article est d'offrir une analyse de l'implication des femmes en MMA en utilisant une approche sociologique figurationnelle. En faisant cela, nous nous servons de données provenant d'entrevues avec des femmes adeptes des arts martiaux mixtes au niveau « élite » pour explorer dans quelle mesure les