A systematic study of the temperature dependence of the shapes and pairing gaps of some isotopes in the rare-earth region is made in the relativistic Hartree-BCS theory. Thermal response to these nuclei is always found to lead to a phase transition from the superfluid to the normal phase at a temperature T ∆ ∼ 0.4 − 0.8 MeV and a shape transition from prolate to spherical shapes at T c ∼ 1.0− 2.5 MeV. These shape transition temperatures are appreciably higher than the corresponding ones calculated in the non-relativistic framework with the pairing plus quadrupole interaction. Study of nuclei with continued addition of neutron pairs for a given isotope shows that with increased ground state deformation, the transition to the spherical shape is delayed in temperature. A strong linear correlation between T ∆ and the ground state pairing gap ∆ 0 is observed; a well-marked linear correlation between T c and the ground state quadrupole defromation β 0 2 is also seen. The thermal evolution of the hexadecapole deformation is further presented in the paper.