In the seminal paper of Gamarnik and Zeevi [17], the authors justify the steady-state diffusion approximation of a generalized Jackson network (GJN) in heavy traffic. Their approach involves the so-called limit interchange argument, which has since become a popular tool employed by many others who study diffusion approximations. In this paper we illustrate a novel approach by using it to justify the steady-state approximation of a GJN in heavy traffic. Our approach involves working directly with the basic adjoint relationship (BAR), an integral equation that characterizes the stationary distribution of a Markov process. As we will show, the BAR approach is a more natural choice than the limit interchange approach for justifying steadystate approximations, and can potentially be applied to the study of other stochastic processing networks such as multiclass queueing networks.
Introduction.This paper considers open single-class queueing networks that have d service stations. Each station has a single server operating under the first-in-first-out (FIFO) service discipline. Upon completing service at a particular station, customers are either routed to another station, or exit the network. There is a single class of customers at each station, meaning that all customers are homogenous in terms of service times and routing. A customer entering the network will exit in finite time with probability one, hence the term open network. For each station, the external interarrival times (possibly null), service times, and routing decisions are assumed to follow three separate i.i.d. sequences of random variables; the three sequences are assumed to be independent. Furthermore, the interarrival times, service times and routing decisions are assumed to be independent between different stations. Such a network is hereafter referred to as a generalized Jackson network (GJN).