RESUMO: o objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma revisão sistemática de literatura a fim de analisar produções científicas que abordam as funções executivas (FE)
ABSTRACT:The objective of this article is to make a systematic review of literature in order to analyze scientific productions that deal with executive functions (EF) and dyslexia. The method consists on a selection of articles published in the Virtual Health Library (BVS), in the CAPES Periodicals and PUBMED. Were selected 28 papers, 9 from PUBMED, 14 from CAPES Periodicals, 4 from the BVS and one manually. Results indicated that the selected studies do not evaluate FE in the same way. Some evaluate EFs as a global component, which shows little difference comparing dyslexics to typical readers, others assess the main components of EFs, which are Inhibitory Control, Cognitive Flexibility, and Working Memory (WM), and a third group of studies evaluates WM also in its subcomponents: visuo-spatial WM, central executive and verbal or phonological WM. It is possible conclue that the study of EF in dyslexics is in full development. In the last 5 years, interest in this subject has increased, including in Brazil, expressed by the increase in the number of published studies, but there is still a lot to know, especially about the effect of interventions involving EF.KEYWORD: Special Education. Executive Function. Dyslexia. Reading.
1intRoDuçãoA leitura é uma atividade neurocognitiva de alta complexidade que requer o reconhecimento das letras e suas combinações para que sejam convertidos nos devidos sons (decodificação grafema-fonema) (ELLIS, 1995). A dislexia do desenvolvimento, também nominada como um distúrbio do reconhecimento de palavras, ou da habilidade empobrecida da leitura de palavras, apresenta bases neurológicas que afetam a alfabetização no nível do reconhecimen-1 http://dx