Nutritional therapy, integrative and functional medicine, and psychiatry are areas of medicine where there has been limited research on the cause of disease and nutritional therapy. Modern medicine treats the medical cause, not the symptoms. All medicines are toxic in some way. Now, healthcare professionals are recommending food as medicine.
For this review, an extensive search was performed in electronic databases and in scientific publications. Boolean search methods were used in search engines such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Mendley, and other scientific databases. Search engines use terms such as food, metabolic disorder, cardio-vascular disorder, food and/or functional food, etc. We reviewed the latest findings on food and metabolic disorders, especially those related to cardiovascular disease.
Scientific research suggests that fruit and vegetables in a regular diet will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and heart failure. Nature provides a large number of dietary options in the appropriate combination that can improve our health and cure metabolic disorders. It has been shown that a vegetarian diet and a Mediterranean diet have significant impact on the gut microbiome and cardiovascular disease risk.
A healthy lifestyle with a proper diet is essential in addition to traditional drug treatment for improving the lipid profile of cardiac patients. To develop effective targeted therapies, we need to further study molecular and cellular mechanisms of CVD. Genetic, inflammatory, nutritional, and immune factors can be studied to determine the pathogenesis of cardiometabolic syndrome.