Water is indispensable to keeping the functions of the human body working properly, including that of the brain. The purpose of this research was to explore the impacts of water supplementation on cognitive performance and mood, and to determine the optimum amount of water to alleviate detriments of dehydration after 12 h water restriction. A randomized controlled trial was implemented among 64 young adults from Baoding, China. Fasting overnight for 12 h, and at 8:00 a.m. on day 2, osmolality of first morning urine and blood, cognitive performance, and mood were assessed as the dehydration test. Then, participants were randomly separated into four groups: water supplementation groups (WS groups 1, 2, and 3 with 500, 200, and 100 mL purified water, respectively) and no water supplementation group (NW group). Participants in WS groups were instructed to drink the water within 10 min, while those in NW group drank no water. After 90 min, the same measurements were taken as the rehydration test. There was significant interaction between TIME and VOLUME in thirst when comparing dehydration with rehydration tests (F = 6.172, p = 0.001). Significant thirst reductions were found in WS group 1 and WS group 2 (p = 0.003; p = 0.041), and a significant increase was found in the NW group (p = 0.039). In the rehydration test, significant interactions between TIME and VOLUME were found in scores of anger, fatigue, and TMD (total mood disturbance) (F = 3.815, p = 0.014; F = 10.429, p < 0.001; F = 5.246, p < 0.001), compared to the dehydration test. Scores of anger were only decreased in WS group 2 (p = 0.025), and scores of fatigue and TMD decreased in WS group 1 and WS group 2 (all p < 0.05). Significant interaction between TIME and VOLUME was only found for operation span test scores (F = 2.816, p = 0.047), with scores being only higher in WS group 1 in the rehydration test compared to the dehydration test (p = 0.003). Comparing WS group 1 and WS group 2, scores of thirst, fatigue, and TMD did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). Water supplementation improved working memory and attenuated anger, fatigue, and TMD. A small amount of water (200 mL) was sufficient to attenuate thirst, anger, fatigue, and TMD of young adults, but the larger volume (500 mL) appeared to be necessary to improve working memory. The amount of 500 mL was the optimum volume to improve the cognitive performance and mood among young adults.