Background-Intracoronary radiotherapy (brachytherapy) has been proposed as treatment option for in-stent restenosis.Long-term results of brachytherapy with regard to vascular integrity and vasomotor responsiveness are unknown. The purpose of the present study was to determine the vasomotor response after brachytherapy and to assess its influence on vasomotion during exercise. Methods and Results-Biplane quantitative coronary angiography was performed at rest and during bicycle exercise in 27 patients with coronary artery disease. Fourteen patients underwent coronary stenting and were studied 10Ϯ3 months after intervention (control group). Thirteen patients were treated with brachytherapy (Guidant Galileo System) for in-stent restenosis with a mean dosis of 20 Gy at 1 mm into the vessel wall and were studied 9Ϯ1 months after radiation (brachytherapy group). Minimal luminal area, stent area, and proximal, distal, and a reference vessel area were determined. The reference vessel showed exercise-induced vasodilation (26Ϯ4%, PϽ0.001) in both groups. Vasomotion within the stented vessel segments was abolished. In control subjects, the proximal and distal segments showed exercise-induced vasodilation (17Ϯ2% and 22Ϯ7%, respectively; PϽ0.005). In contrast, there was exercise-induced vasoconstriction in the proximal and distal vessel segments of the brachytherapy group (Ϫ14Ϯ3% and Ϫ16Ϯ4%, respectively; PϽ0.01). Sublingual nitroglycerin was associated with maximal vasodilation of the proximal and distal vessel segments in both groups.