yocardial stretch alters the electrophysiological properties of the cardiac myocyte: modulation of phase 2 and 3 of the action potential 1 and activation of the stretch-activated ion channels (SAC). This phenomenon, reported as mechanoelectrical feedback, is thought to contribute to arrhythmogenesis. 2 After the ischemic myocardium ceases its contraction, the nonischemic myocardium stretches and lengthens the ischemic segment during systole. This segmental abnormality of myocardial contraction may alter the transmembrane potential and action potential duration. 3 Our previous study demonstrated that regional ventricular dyskinesia produced by intracoronary injection of negative inotropic agents induced ST-segment elevation without myocardial ischemia, and suggested that regional ventricular dyskinesia may alter the transmembrane potential and action potential duration. 4 The role of the SAC on ischemic STsegment elevation is not yet fully understood. We, therefore, planned to clarify whether the intracoronary administration of a SAC blocker, gadolinium (Gd), would affect the ST-segment elevation during brief coronary occlusion in the in-vivo canine heart.
Experimental PreparationsSix mongrel dogs of both sexes weighing 15-20 kg, were sedated with intramuscular injection of 1.0-1.5 mg/kg of droperidol and anesthetized with 25-30 mg/kg of pentobarbital sodium intravenously. Respiration was controlled using a Harvard pump (Harvard Apparatus Inc, South Natick MS, USA), which provided a mixture of room air and 1.0 L/min of oxygen. Thoracotomy was performed through the fifth left intercostal space, and the epicardium was opened. The left anterior descending artery (LAD) was isolated just distal to the first diagonal branch and perfused through a bypass circuit, made of silicone tubing with anticoagulant properties, from the left subclavian artery. Using an electromagnetic flow probe (Nihon Kohden Co, Tokyo, Japan) in the bypass circuit, we measured bypass blood flow (coronary blood flow). A catheter was inserted through the right femoral vein for intravenous infusion. Aortic blood pressure was monitored using a catheter inserted through the right femoral artery. Left ventricular (LV) pressure was measured through a short catheter inserted into the LV cavity from the apex. A pair of ultrasonic dimension crystals (Nihon Kohden Co) was inserted into the subendocardium perfused through the bypass circuit to measure serial changes of regional myocardial contraction in the plane of the LV minor axis. An epicardial electrocardiogram (ECG) was monitored using a contact electrode placed at the center of the region perfused via the bypass circuit, and using a Wilson central terminal as the indifferent electrode. The data were recorded on a polygraph (Nihon Kohden Co) at paper speeds of 25 and 100 mm/s. The hearts were allowed to beat at their spontaneous rate.Experimental Protocol (Fig 1) After stabilization of hemodynamics and documentation of sufficient reactive hyperemia, the coronary bypass was occluded for 5 min be...