Analysis of spectral power and EEG rhythm index in Yakut students (n=38) was carried out. Higher spectral power values of base alpha rhythm were noted, relatively slow wave teta-and delta-activity. Regardless of the lateralization of the dominant hand, the decreasing occipital-frontal gradient of the alpha-rhythm index was clearly expressed. For the delta rhythm index, the decreasing gradient was directed in the opposite, frontally occipital direction. A similar organization of the bioelectric activity of the brain is characteristic of the tendency to become a "mature" EEG pattern in youth. The formation of brain functional maturity in right-handed and left-handed women is reflected in certain differences in the wave structure of the EEG pattern. A large degree of dominance and great heterogeneity of the alpha rhythm was revealed in the right-handed, while in the left-handeda greater decrease in the power of slow-wave tetaand delta-rhythms. The obtained results of the study of background EEG in young Yakut men indicated the ongoing process of bioelectric activity of the brain. Some lag in the formation of mature EEG in Yakut students may be based on a slowdown in the connections between regulatory subcortical structures (diencephalic synchronizing and stem desynchronizing) and the cerebral cortex, which in turn is specific to the age development of the body in the complex climatic and social conditions of the North.