High-intensity interval exercises (HIIex) have gained popularity but their effects on eating behavior are poorly known. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the effects of HIIex on the 3 main components of eating behavior (appetite, intake, and latency to eat) differ from those of moderate-intensity continuous exercises (MICex) for the same energy expenditure. Fifteen young normal-weight males completed 3 sessions in a counterbalanced order: HIIex (30-s bouts at 90% of maximal oxygen uptake interceded with 60-s bouts at 35% of maximal oxygen uptake for 20 min), MICex (42% of maximal oxygen uptake for 40 min), and a resting session (REST). Trials were scheduled 80 and 100 min after a standard breakfast for MICex and HIIex, respectively. At 120 min, participants were isolated until they asked for lunch. Appetite was rated on 4 visual analog scales (hunger, desire to eat, fullness, and prospective consumption) every 15 min until meal request. Results showed that the mean latency of requesting lunch was significantly longer after HIIex than after REST (+17.3 ± 4.3 min, P = 0.004), but not after MICex (P = 0.686). Energy intake was not different between conditions, leading to a negative energy balance in the 2 exercise sessions. Thus, the effects of HIIex on eating behavior are likely primarily mediated through the latency of meal initiation. However, inter-individual variability was large and further studies are needed to identify the predictive factors of this response.