Exergy A n a ly s is of P h o to v o ltaic P a n e ls -C o u p le d S o lid O xide Fuel C ell and G as T u rb in e -E le c tro ly z e r H ybrid S ystemExergy losses represent true losses o f potential to generate a desired product, exergy effi ciencies always provide a measure o f approach to ideality, and the links between exergy and both economics and environmental impact can help develop improvements. In this study, PV-coupled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and Gas Turbine (GT)-electrolyzer hybrid power generation system is considered to determine the contribution o f different hybrid system components in the total exergy loss. The number o f panels, the power o f SOFC-GT, and the power o f electrolyzer can have different values. Therefore, to obtain the optimum combination from ecological, economical, and reliability points o f view, a multi-objective optimization algorithm (PESA) is considered. This optimization method chooses a set o f optimum solutions that is known as Pareto frontier. The exergy loss o f some o f these optimum solutions is compared with each other. The effect o f panel angle and SOFC-GT fuel type on the hybrid system exergy loss is considered in this study. Also, the hybrid system exergy loss is determined in different months o f the year to obtain the worst month from exergy loss view.