We study the time-dependent Schrödinger operator P = Dt + ∆g + V acting on functions defined on R n+1 , where, using coordinates z ∈ R n and t ∈ R, Dt denotes −i∂t, ∆g is the positive Laplacian with respect to a time dependent family of non-trapping metrics gij(z, t)dz i dz j on R n which is equal to the Euclidean metric outside of a compact set in spacetime, and V = V (z, t) is a potential function which is also compactly supported in spacetime. In this paper we introduce a new approach to studying P , by finding pairs of Hilbert spaces between which the operator acts invertibly.Using this invertibility it is straightforward to solve the 'final state problem' for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, that is, find a global solution u(z, t) of P u = 0 having prescribed asymptotics as t → ∞. These asymptotics are of the form u(z, t) ∼ t −n/2 e i|z| 2 /4t f+ z 2t , t → +∞ where f+, the 'final state' or outgoing data, is an arbitrary element of a suitable function space W k (R n ); here k is a regularity parameter simultaneously measuring smoothness and decay at infinity. We can of course equally well prescribe asymptotics as t → −∞; this leads to incoming data f−. We consider the 'Poisson operators' P± : f± → u and precisely characterise the range of these operators on W k (R n ) spaces. Finally we show that the scattering matrix, mapping f− to f+, preserves these spaces.