“…There it turns out that one first needs a sound knowledge about the existence and quality of the corresponding trace spaces. Returning to the first results in that respect in [Br2], see also [Br3,Br4,Br1], we found that the approach can (and should) be extended for later applications. More precisely, for a positive continuous and non-decreasing function h : (0, 1] → R (a gauge function) with lim r→0 h(r) = 0, a non-empty compact set Γ ⊂ R n is called h-set if there exists a finite Radon measure µ in R n with supp µ = Γ and µ(B(γ, r)) ∼ h(r), r ∈ (0, 1], γ ∈ Γ, see also [Ro, Chapter 2] and [Ma,p.…”