We introduce a new modified Navier-Stokes model in 3 dimensions by modifying the convection term in the ordinary Navier-Stokes equations. This is done by replacing the convective term (u • ∇)u by (v • ∇)u with v = cu/ c 2 + |u| 2 where c is the speed of light. Thus we have that |v| ≤ c and for |u| ≪ c we have v ≈ u. Thus the solutions to this system should yield a good approximation to the solutions of the ordinary Navier-Stokes equations under physically reasonable conditions. The modification of the convective term is a natural progression of the work done in [4]. The property that |v| ≤ c embodies the notion that in relativity matter can't travel faster than the speed of light, giving the model its name. We prove that there exists a strong solution u ∈ L 2 (0, T ; H 2 )∩L ∞ (0, T ; V) with u ′ ∈ L 2 (0, T ; L 2 ) to our system of equations on either a smooth bounded domain U ⊂ R 3 or the flat 3-torus T for any initial velocity u 0 ∈ V and any forcing function f ∈ L 2 (0, T ; L 2 ). No assumption on the smallness of the data is necessary. Here V is the space of weakly divergence free vector fields with components in H 1 which vanish on the boundary. We also prove the uniqueness of this strong solution. Though our modification is somewhat ad-hoc, it suggests that though more complicated, equations incorporating aspects of special and general relativity might have better existence and uniqueness properties than the ordinary Navier-Stokes equations.