The use of yeast systems to study the propagation of prions and amyloids has emerged as a crucial aspect of the global endeavor to understand those mechanisms. Yeast prion systems are intrinsically multi-scale: the molecular chemical processes are indeed coupled to the cellular processes of cell growth and division to influence phenotypical traits, observable at the scale of colonies. We introduce a novel modeling framework to tackle this difficulty using impulsive differential equations. We apply this approach to the [P SI + ] yeast prion, which associated with the misconformation and aggregation of Sup35. We build a model that reproduces and unifies previously conflicting experimental observations on [P SI + ] and thus sheds light onto characteristics of the intracellular molecular processes driving aggregate replication. In particular our model uncovers a kinetic barrier for aggregate replication at low densities, meaning the change between prion or prion-free phenotype is a bi-stable transition. This result is based on the study of prion curing experiments, as well as the phenomenon of colony sectoring, a phenotype which is often ignored in experimental assays and has never been modeled. Furthermore, our results provide further insight into the effect of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) on Sup35 aggregates. To qualitatively reproduce the GdnHCl curing experiment, aggregate replication must not be completely inhibited, which suggests the existence of a mechanism different than Hsp104-mediated fragmentation. Those results are promising for further development of the [P SI + ] model, but also for extending the use of this novel framework to other yeast prion or amyloid systems.
Author summaryIn the study of yeast prions, mathematical modeling is a powerful tool, in particular when it comes to facing the difficulties of multi-scale systems. In this study, we introduce a mathematical framework for investigating this problem in a unifying way. We focus on the yeast prion [P SI + ] and present a simple molecular scheme for prion replication and a model of yeast budding. In order to qualitatively reproduce experiments, we need to introduce a non-linear mechanism in the molecular rates. This transforms the intracellular system into a bi-stable switch and allows for curing to occur, which is a crucial phenomenon for the study of yeast prions. To the best of our knowledge, no model in the literature includes such a mechanism, at least not explicitly. We also describe the GdnHCl curing experiment, and the propagon counting procedure. January 7, 2020 1/15Reproducing this result requires challenging hypotheses that are commonly accepted, and our interpretation gives a new perspective on the concept of propagon. This study may be considered as a good example of how mathematical modeling can bring valuable insight into biological concepts and observations.