We present an efficient numerical method for computing Fourier-Taylor expansions of stable/unstable manifolds associated with hyperbolic periodic orbits. Three features of the method are (1) that we obtain accurate representation of the invariant manifold as well as the dynamics on the manifold, (2) that the method admits natural a-posteriori error analysis, and (3) that the method does not require numerical integrating the vector field. Our method is based on the Parameterization Method for invariant manifolds, and studies a certain partial differential equation which characterizes a chart map of the (un)stable manifold. The method requires only that some mild non-resonance conditions hold between the Floquet multipliers of the periodic orbit. The novelty of the the present work is that we exploit the Floquet normal form in order to efficiently compute the Fourier-Taylor expansion. We present a number of example computations, including stable/unstable manifolds in phase space dimension as hight as ten, computation of manifolds which are two and three dimensional, and computation of some homoclinic connecting orbits.