We are concerned with the asymptotics of the Markov chain given by the post-jump locations of a certain piecewise-deterministic Markov process with a state-dependent jump intensity. We provide sufficient conditions for such a model to possess a unique invariant distribution, which is exponentially attracting in the dual bounded Lipschitz distance. Having established this, we generalize a result of J. Kazak on the jump process defined by a Poisson driven stochastic differential equation with a solution-dependent intensity of perturbations.the sequence of jump times, the conditional probability that the next jump, say τ n+1 , will occur before time t has the formwhere {ξ(t)} t≥0 is a stochastic process with values in I which indicates the semiflow that currently determines the evolution of the system. We shall focus on the limit behaviour of the Markov chain {(Y n , ξ n )} n∈N0 given by the post-jump locations of the PDMP {(Y (t), ξ(t))} t≥0 , that is, defined by (Y n , ξ n ) = (Y (τ n ), ξ(τ n )) for n ∈ N 0 . Such a discrete-time dynamical system (in the context presented here) includes as a special case, for instance, a simple cell cycle model examined by Lasota and Mackey [21], and, furthermore, may prove useful for improvement of the model in [8].Our first goal is to establish a criterion for exponential ergodicity of the transition operator associated with the chain {(Y n , ξ n )} n∈N0 , analogously as in [12, Theorem 4.1]. More precisely, letting (·)P stand for the Markov operator acting on Borel measures in such a way that µ n+1 = µ n P for n ∈ N 0 , where µ n is the distibution of (Y n , ξ n ), we provide sufficient conditions under which there exists exactly one probability measure µ * that is invariant for P , i.e. µ * = µ * P . It turns out that such a measure is exponentially attracting in the so-called dual bounded Lipschitz distance, which is induced by the Fortet-Mourier norm ([5, 23]), denoted by ||·|| F M . We mean by this that there exists a constant β ∈ [0, 1) such that ||µP n − µ * || F M ≤ C(µ)β n for all n ∈ N and µ ∈ M ρc,1 prob ,