Let X denote the complex projective plane, blown up at the nine base points of a pencil of cubics, and let D be any fiber of the resulting elliptic fibration on X. Using ansatz metrics inspired by work of Gross-Wilson and a PDE method due to Tian-Yau, we prove that X \ D admits complete Ricciflat Kähler metrics in most de Rham cohomology classes. If D is smooth, the metrics converge to split flat cylinders R + × S 1 × D at an exponential rate. In this case, we also obtain a partial uniqueness result and a local description of the Einstein moduli space, which contains cylindrical metrics whose crosssection does not split off a circle. If D is singular but of finite monodromy, they converge at least quadratically to flat T 2 -submersions over flat 2-dimensional cones which need not be quotients of R 2 . If D is singular of infinite monodromy, their volume growth rates are 4/3 and 2 for the Kodaira types I b and I b * , their injectivity radii decay like r −1/3 and (log r) −1/2 , and their curvature tensors decay like r −2 and r −2 (log r) −1 . In particular, the I b examples show that the curvature estimate from Cheeger-Tian [14] cannot be improved in general.