We describe some interesting graded rings which are generated by degree-3 elements inside the Sklyanin algebra S, and prove that they have many good properties. Geometrically, these rings R correspond to blowups of the Sklyanin P 2 at 7 or fewer points. We show that the rings R are exactly those degree-3-generated subrings of S which are maximal orders in the quotient ring of the 3-Veronese of S.The author was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-0600834 and DMS-0900981. subalgebras of T . Now g ∈ T 1 and T /T g ∼ = B(E, L 3 , σ 3 ). Let x indicate the image of x ∈ S under the quotient map S → S/Sg. Given any effective Weil divisor D on E with 0 ≤ deg D ≤ 7, we let. In other words, V (D) consists exactly of those global sections of L 3 which vanish along the divisor D. We define R(D) = k V (D) ⊆ T . One goal of the paper is to prove that the rings R(D) have many nice properties (with the notable exception of finite global dimension). We summarize these in the following theorem. The definitions of the properties involved are reviewed in Section 2.(2) (Theorems 6.3, 6.7) R is strongly noetherian, satisfies the Artin-Zhang χ conditions, is Auslander-Gorenstein and Cohen Macaulay. The noncommutative projective scheme proj-R has cohomological dimension 2. R is a maximal order.(3) (Theorem 10.4) There is a homogeneous ideal I of R with GK R/I ≤ 1 which is essentially minimal among such ideals in the following sense: given a homogeneous ideal J of R with GK R/J ≤ 1, then J ⊇ I ≥n for some n ≥ 0.We make a comment on the significance of part (3) of the theorem, which is actually the part on which we expend the most effort in the paper. The generic Sklyanin algebra S and its Veronese ring T are known to have no homogeneous factor rings of GK-dimension 1. The rings R(D) sometimes do, so the point of part(3) above is that such factor rings can be strongly controlled. This fact is needed in the proof of our main result, which can be found in Section 10. It classifies degree 1-generated orders in T , as follows.Theorem 1.2. Let V ⊆ T 1 and let A = k V ⊆ T . Assume that Q gr (A) = Q gr (T ).(1) There is a unique effective divisor D on E with 0 ≤ deg D ≤ 7 such that A ⊆ R(D) with A and R(D) equivalent orders. In particular, the rings R(D) are exactly the degree-1 generated subalgebras of T which are maximal orders in Q gr (T ).(2) If A is noetherian, then in part (1) A ⊆ R(D) is a finite ring extension. If g ∈ A, then A is indeed noetherian.When g ∈ A in the preceding theorem, then it can happen that A is not noetherian and A ⊆ R(D) is not a finite ring extension; see Section 11. Also, similar methods can be used to analyze the subalgebras of S generated in degree 1, which was in fact the original project we attempted. Since dim k S 1 = 3, the only interesting degree-1-generated subalgebras are A = k V , where V ⊆ S 1 with dim k V = 2. We show in Theorem 12.2 below that for such an A, either the 3-Veronese ring A (3) is equal to the ring R(D) for a divisor D of degree 3, or else A equals S in all large degrees.