Not only the Dirac operator, but also the spinor bundle of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold depends on the underlying metric. This leads to technical difficulties in the study of problems where many metrics are involved, for instance in variational theory. We construct a natural finite dimensional bundle, from which all the metric spinor bundles can be recovered including their extra structure. In the Lorentzian case, we also give some applications to Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell theory as a variational theory and show how to coherently define a maximal Cauchy development for this theory.where ρ := ρ r,s : Spin r,s → GL(Σ r,s ) is a complex spinor representation, Θ g : Spin g M → SO g M is a metric spin structure and Spin r,s ⊂ GL + m is the spin group. Main Theorem 1 (universal spinor bundle, cf. Theorem 2.25). There exists a finite dimensional vector bundleπ Σ SM :ΣM → J 1 π r,s such that for each metric g ∈ S r,s (M ), there existsῑ g such thatcommutes. Here, J 1 π r,s denotes the first jet bundle of π r,s . Moreover,π Σ SM carries a connection, a metric and a Clifford multiplication such thatῑ g is a morphism of (generalized) Dirac bundles (see Definition 2.27). In addition,π Σ SM is natural with respect to spin diffeomorphisms. ♦The claims of the last assertions mean that not only the vector bundle structure of any metric spinor bundle π g M can be recovered fromπ Σ SM , but also its spinorial connection, its metric and its Clifford multiplication, see Theorem 2.25 for the precise meaning and a proof. We would like to emphasize that the morphism j 1 (g) in (1.2) is the 1-jet of the metric g and that the naturality assertion is formulated with respect to diffeomorphisms and not just isometries, see Section 2.6 for details. arXiv:1504.01034v3 [math.DG] 6 Oct 2015 ∼ = 9 9 We setκ V := κ V • θ. ♦ Diagram (2.1) easily extends to spin manifolds as follows: Let {ρ r,s : Spin r,s → GL(Σ r,s )} r,s∈N be a fixed choice of Spin r,s -representations. The construction of κ V andκ V induces bundle maps κ M : GL + M → S r,s M,κ M : GL + M → S r,s M, (2.2) by setting κ M | GL + x M := κ TxM andκ M | GL + x M :=κ TxM for any x ∈ M . Definition 2.3 (universal spinor bundle). The map π Σ SM : ΣM → S r,s M [b, σ] →κ M (b), where ΣM := GL + M × ρr,s Σ r,s is called universal spinor (vector) bundle. We obtain the following diagram ΣM π Σ SM / / π Σ M 9 9 S r,s M π r,s / / M, (2.3)where π Σ M := π r,s • π Σ SM . The map π Σ M is called universal spinor (fiber) bundle of M . Its sections are called universal spinor fields.♦