A numerical method for designing chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors is proposed, which consists of three steps: extraction of the chemical mechanism and reaction rates using small-scale, well-defined experiments; prototyping a large-scale reactor using this chemistry combined with computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations (we call these virtual experiments); and experimental optimization of a prototype reactor designed from the virtual experiments. This design methodology was validated using the model CVD process of low-pressure CVD (LPCVD) of tungsten silicide (WSi x ) from WF 6 and SiH 4 in the temperature range of 130-360ЊC. A tubular hot-wall reactor was used as the small-scale reactor for diagnosing the gas-phase and surface chemical mechanism. The CFD code FLUENT was used for the numerical simulations, and no fitting parameters were used in chemical reaction mechanisms. Simulations of the radial WSi x film growth rate and Si/W composition profiles on a 5 in. wafer in a cold-wall reactor agreed well with experimental measurements. Such comparisons indicate that numerical reactor design can replace currently used empirical design methods.Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a process for producing materials from gas-phase reaction and depositing them as thin films. CVD processes are available for producing organic and inorganic materials, metallic and nonmetallic compounds, oxide and nonoxide materials, electrical conductors, semiconductors, and insulators. Recent demand for high-performance components, including electronic and optical devices, sensors, and coatings have increased the importance of CVD processes in device fabrication. However, the design of CVD reactors is tedious, because current design methods rely on trial-and-error development based on accumulated empirical experience. To develop a new CVD process, substantial time is required to empirically determine reactor configuration and operating conditions for optimizing the production efficiency. 1 In particular, such an approach is difficult to apply to the design of a reactor with complex geometry for large-diameter wafers. Therefore, a systematic design method for CVD reactors is needed.The essential mechanisms in CVD processes are the transport of mass, momentum, and energy, coupled with gas-phase and surface chemical reactions. Although many computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes exist for solving such a coupled set of processes, the lack of reaction-rate data for many chemical systems has prevented routine application of CFD simulations to CVD reactor design. 2 For this reason, our group has developed several experimental methods for extracting the essential chemical reaction mechanisms from the complex phenomena of CVD processes. 3-5 We coupled these chemical reaction mechanisms with CFD codes, permitting simulation of the complete processes in CVD reactors. 6 Our ability to simulate the combined processes in CVD reactors suggests the following design method 1. Extraction of chemistry from well-defined, small-scale experimental r...