This manuscript discusses the existence of nontrivial weak solution for the
following nonlinear eigenvalue problem driven by the p(?)-biharmonic
operator with Rellich-type term {?(|?u|p(x)?2?u) = ?|u|q(x)?2u/?(x)2q(x), for x ? ?, u = ?u = 0, for x ? ??. Considering the case 1 < min
x?? p(x) ? max x?? p(x) < min x?? q(x) ? max x?? q(x) < min (N 2, Np(x) N
? 2p(x) ), we extend the corresponding result of the reference [8], for the
case 1 < min x?? q(x) ? max x?? q(x) < min x?? p(x) ? max x?? .p(x) < N 2 .
The proofs of the main results are based on the mountain pass theorem