Abstract.Let B be a 2-parameter Brownian motion on R2+. Consider the nonMarkovian stochastic differential system in 2-parameter dX(z) = a(z, X)dB(z) + ß(z, X) dz for.' e R2+, X(z) = í for;e3R2+,where R. = [0, s] X [0, t] for z = (s, t) e R2+. An existence theorem for weak solutions of the system is proved in this paper. Under the assumption that a and ß satisfy a continuity condition and a growth condition and E[f6] < oo, it is shown that there exist a 2-parameter stochastic process X and a 2-parameter Brownian motion B on some probability space satisfying the stochastic integral equation above, with A'(O) having the same probability distribution as ¡.0. Introduction. Let a partial ordering be introduced in R2+ by defining z ^ z' when í < s' and t < t' for z = (s, t) and z' = (s\ t') in R2+. We write z < z' when s < s' and t < t'. Similarly we write z A z' for (s A s', t A t') and z V z' for (s Vj',/v t'). We use the notations R2 and Rs, for [0, s] X [0, t] and the notation (z, z'\ for (s, s'] X (t, t'] whenz < z'. Likewise we write [z, z') for [i, s') X [i, /') and [z, z']Throughout this article, by a 2-parameter stochastic process on a probability space (ñ, g, P) we mean a real valued function X on R2+x ß such that X(z, •) is 5/93(R) measurable for every z g R2+. For such a process X we write X,, Xst, X(z) and X(s, t) for AT(2, ■) when z = (5, t) e R2+. For z < z' we use the notation x((z, z'\) for A"(s', t') -X(s, t') -X(s', t) + X(s, t). We write 9* = 0 when Xz = 0 for z in the boundary 9R2+ of R2+.