Making use of the Fourier localization method, we prove the local-in-time existence and uniqueness of solutions to the viscous rotating shallow water equations with a term of capillarity under both the low regularity assumption on the initial data and the assumption that the initial height is bounded away from zero. Viscous rotating shallow water equations Remark 1.1. Throughout this paper, we will denoteḂ s 2,1 by B s . For the definition of B s1,s2 , see Definition 2.3 below. Remark 1.2. Because of the presence of the Coriolis force in system (1.1), it seems that we have to adapt the functional framework based on L 2 (not general L p ) to sufficiently make use of the cancelation of the rotating term.To prove this theorem, we first perform a variable substitution and make use of the Hodge decomposition to separate the vector field into a compressible part and an incompressible part. We then obtain a coupled system due to the rotating effect of the Coriolis force. Secondly, with the help of the Fourier localization method, we obtain a priori estimates for the corresponding linear system. Unlike [9], because of the appearance of the Coriolis frequency, we must perform different estimates for the high and low frequencies, respectively. Finally, we use a classical iterate method to construct an approximate solution to the problem and then prove the local-in-time existence and uniqueness of solutions.