“…al. [6] identified another class of QVI problems whose specific structure is beneficial in finding some of its solutions by solving a corresponding VI problem. In particular, the following class of QVI, denoted by QV I(A) is considered by them: for a given function g : R n → R m and the multi-valued maps G : R n ⇒ R n and M : P ⇒ R n where P = ∅ is a set in R m , the problem QV I(A) corresponds to, find (p, ȳ) ∈ P × M (p) such that ∃ ȳ * ∈ G(ȳ) satisfying g(ȳ), p − p + ȳ * , z − ȳ ≥ 0, for any (p, z) ∈ P × M (p).…”