Investigations of inverse statistics (a concept borrowed from turbulence) in stock markets, exemplified with filtered Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ, have uncovered a novel stylized fact that the distribution of exit time follows a power law p(τ ρ ) ∼ τ −α ρ with α ≈ 1.5 at large τ ρ and the optimal investment horizon τ * ρ scales as ρ γ [1,2,3]. We have performed an extensive analysis based on unfiltered daily indices and stock prices and high-frequency (5-min) records as well in the markets all over the world. Our analysis confirms that the power-law distribution of the exit time with an exponent of about α = 1.5 is universal for all the data sets analyzed. In addition, all data sets show that the power-law scaling in the optimal investment horizon holds, but with idiosyncratic exponent. Specifically, γ ≈ 1.5 for the daily data in most of the developed stock markets and the five-minute highfrequency data, while the γ values of the daily indexes and stock prices in emerging markets are significantly less than 1.5. We show that there is of little chance that this discrepancy in γ stems from the difference of record sizes in the two kinds of stock markets.
IntroductionEconophysics is an interdisciplinary science which applies statistical physics and complex system theories to economics [4,5,6,7]. More than ten stylized facts of asset returns have been discovered or re-discovered in the community [8], some of which are inspired originally by the analogy between finance markets and turbulence [9,10]. In these works, the asset return, as the counterpart of velocity difference in turbulence, plays a central role, which is defined as the difference of logarithmic prices at a given time lag. Recently, a new stylized fact have been unveiled dealing with the inverse statistics of the exit time in the Dow Jones Industrial Average [1,2,3] and in the foreign exchange markets [11]. Interestingly, this concept of inverse statistics was also borrowed from turbulence [12] and applied in turbulence extensively [13,14,15,16,17,18].For a given series of log prices {s i } where i corresponds to trading days, the exit time (or first passage time) τ at time i for a given return threshold ρ > 0 is defined as the minimal time span needed for the difference of log prices exceeds ρ for the first time. In other words, one says mathematicallyWe see that τ ρ ≥ 1 is integer. If the stock price rises, τ ρ = 1. It is argued that more small τ ρ in a period implies a bullish market while large τ ρ indicates a lasting bearish market. For fractional Brownian motion of Hurst exponent H, Ding and Yang [19] have found that the distribution density p(τ ρ ) scales aswith α = 2 − H, when τ ρ is large. For Brownian motion, the exit time distribution has been solved analytically [20,21,22] where K is the generalized diffusion constant. The most probable exit time τ * ρ (also called the optimal investment horizon in Finance) is thus scaled asThe first passage time was studied in physics, biology and engineering [20,21,22, and r...