Feline Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency is a disease where the digestion and absorption of nutrients its impaired due to lacking pancreatic enzymes in the intestine. This study aimed to report a case of EPI in a femeale cat, with five years of age, that presented weight loss, liquid diarrhea, and coat alterations. A hemogram and serum biochemestry (ALT and Creatinine), coproparasitological and abdominal ultrasonography were requested. Due to clinical worsening, test results, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly in the imaging exam, serum mensuration for Free T4, Cobalamin, Folate, Albumin, Globulin, serum GGT, Ionic Calcium, SOdium, Potassium, Total Bilirrubin, Indirect Bilirrubin, Direct Bilirrubin, Urinalyses, urinary creatinin-protein ratio, and especific pancratic lipase were requested, and results did not displayed significative alterations. Hospitalization and fluidotherapy were indicated, along with fenbendazol, probiotic, and cobalamin supplementation treatment, as well as hypoalergeninc diet. After, supplementation with pancreatic enzymes begun in order to verify EPI, resulting in clinical manifestations improvement, and feline trypsinogen was asssesed at 7mcg/L, indicating the correct diagnosis assumption.