A brief general introduction to a novel low energy electron-exoelectron was given. Various emission methods of induced solid were involved. More detailed consideration was given to these following topics: classification of exoelectron emission mechanisms; emission models of exoelectron; applications of exoelectron; the appplication of metal micro crack predicting by low energy electron technology was especially described; and finally many issues demanding prompt solution for low energy electron technology were proposed.Keywords-exoelectron emission, Auger emission, model, mechanism I . I NTRODUCTION Exoelectron (EE) is different from photoelectron and hot electron, with the average energy ofO.3� O.7eV. Emission of slow electrons at room temperature, initiated by preliminary exposure of oxide surfaces of metals to radiation, was first observed by Tanaka. Kramer [1] extensively studied emission of slow electrons from metal oxides after mechanical treatment (grinding, twisting, stretching, etc.) as well as from non-metals after they had been exposed to photon and electron radiation. Assuming that this emission is connected with exothermal processes involving the compensation of irregularities caused by excitation, Kramer called it "Exoelectron Emission (EEE)". Although this hypothesis was not proved, it was decided to call this emission "EEE" or "the Kramer effect", and the emitted electrons "exoelectrons". The modem definition of EE is the non-equilibrium, non-stationary emission of low energy electrons from the surface of solid during relaxation, after excitation/irradiation of the sample [2]. The most up-to-date methods are used for studying EE, the measurement precision has increased, and EE now has a wide range of applications.
II . V ARIOUS E MISSION M ETHODS OF I NDUCED S OLIDIt has become clear that there cannot be one, nor can there be a common explanation for all the processes of EEE. The problem is that EEE is usually associated with a group of phenomena with different origins, accompanied by a relatively weak emission of low energy electrons at low temperatures. Low energy EEE from solids is caused by the non-stationary processes occurring within and on the surface. They are:978-1-4244-8102-6/10/$26.00