Landraces are key elements of agricultural biodiversity that have long been considered a source of useful traits. Their importance goes beyond subsistence agriculture and the essential need to preserve genetic diversity, because landraces are farmer-developed populations that are often adapted to environmental conditions of significance to tackle environmental concerns. It is therefore increasingly important to identify adaptive traits in crop landraces and understand their molecular basis. This knowledge is potentially useful for promoting more sustainable agricultural techniques, reducing the environmental impact of high-input cropping systems, and diminishing the vulnerability of agriculture to global climate change. In this review, we present an overview of the opportunities and limitations offered by landraces' genomics. We discuss how rapid advances in DNA sequencing techniques, plant phenotyping, and recombinant DNA-based biotechnology encourage both the identification and the validation of the genomic signature of local adaptation in crop landraces. The integration of 'omics' sciences, molecular population genetics, and field studies can provide information inaccessible with earlier technological tools. Although empirical knowledge on the genetic and genomic basis of local adaptation is still fragmented, it is predicted that genomic scans for adaptation will unlock an intraspecific molecular diversity that may be different from that of modern varieties.Keywords: genomics; differentiation; genome-environment association
Crop LandracesPublic awareness on the importance of biodiversity conservation is strengthening over time [1]. Climate change, pollution, environmental disasters, loss of natural habitats, environmental degradation, and overexploitation of resources regularly make front-page news. Without taking into consideration the impact of the measures implemented to avoid biodiversity loss, large attention is generally given to wild species, especially those at risk of extinction [1,2]. Agricultural biodiversity (i.e., the variety and variability of animals, plants, and microorganisms that are used directly or indirectly for food and agriculture [3]) is largely regarded as a subset of biodiversity. However, agriculture and biodiversity are closely tied. Their mutual dependence is crucial not only to ensure yield today, but also to contribute to a more resilient, sustainable agriculture. This includes the development of solutions for water-saving technologies and for minimizing the detrimental effects of global climate change on crops [4,5].Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) are the central components of agricultural biodiversity because they constitute the primary elements of the production process. Crop improvement relies on genetic diversity. Taking into account the trends and efforts of modern breeding, the main part of genetic diversity of cultivated species is expected to be found in traditional varieties, also known as landraces. It is not easy to provide an all-p...