The fabrication of autonomously moving molecular structures is one of the central challenges in the field of DNA nanodevices.[1] Some of the concepts introduced recently to achieve this goal rely on the sequence-dependent catalytic action of DNA-modifying enzymes such as restriction endonucleases or nicking enzymes [2] while others use the catalytic power of DNA itself by incorporating DNA enzyme sequences into DNA devices.[3] Both approaches have also been used to realize autonomous molecular computers.[4] Another strategy is based on controlled inhibition of DNA hybridization by formation of secondary structure and its acceleration by catalytic DNA strands.[5] These concepts were developed for the autonomous operation of DNA devices fueled by DNA hybridization. A different approach was recently taken by our research group [6] and we could show that the pH-sensitive conformational transition of a cytosinerich DNA strand between a random conformation and the socalled "i motif" could be driven by the oscillating proton concentration generated by a chemical oscillator. In such a system, the temporal succession of the states of the DNA devices is determined by a nonlinear dynamical system rather than by an external operator. We report here how this system can be significantly improved by attaching the DNA conformational switches to a solid substrate. This attachment allows us to operate the chemical oscillator in a continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR) into which a glass chip supporting the DNA devices is placed. In principle, the surface-bound DNA structures can undergo an infinite number of autonomous conformational switching events in this configuration.We showed recently how proton-fueled DNA devices can be driven by an oscillating chemical reaction [6] by using a variant of the Landolt reaction to periodically change the pH value in a continuously fed reactor. To retain the DNA switches within the reaction solution, a reactor without an outlet had to be used. In such a configuration, one cannot reach a steady state since the continuous influx of reaction solution means the average concentrations of the reactants vary. As a result, this dynamic chemical system is driven out of its oscillatory region, thus causing the oscillations to die away after a few periods.To overcome this limitation in the present work we operated the oscillator in a CSTR with two inlets and one outlet. In principle, an infinite number of homogeneous pH oscillations can be generated by using a continuous filling combined with the simultaneous removal of waste materials. However, the DNA devices had to be attached to a solid substrate to prevent loss of the DNA through the reactors outlet. For these experiments, we used thiol-modified, fluorescently labeled DNA switches bound to an ultrathin transparent gold layer on a glass substrate. This allowed a firm covalent attachment of the DNA to the surface while at the same time energy transfer between the fluorophores and the gold layer [7] could be used to characterize the conformational...