Nirupama SensharmaTriaxial nuclear shapes are a very rare phenomena that are manifested experimentally via their unique signatures -chiral rotation and wobbling motion. The present work was aimed at studying these exotic rotational modes in two different regions of the nuclear chart viz. A ∼ 130 and 190.Within the A ∼ 130 region, the primary focus of the present work was to study the 135 Pr nucleus. This nucleus was the first case of wobbling observed outside of the well-studied A ∼ 160 region. Aided with a high-statistics measurement using the Gammasphere array at the Argonne National Laboratory, the present work was able to observe a second phonon (n ω = 2) wobbling band in this nucleus. The nature of the wobbling bands was confirmed by the characteristic predominantly E2 nature of the n ω+1 → n ω linking transitions based on angular distribution measurements.3.13 Cross-sections of various residual nuclei for a 19 F beam on 174 Yb at different beam energies as calculated by PACE4. The compound nucleus produced is 193 Au which is mostly followed by the evaporation of neutrons leading to various Au isotopes.