It is shown that the electric charge of vortices can result in a helical instability of straight vortex lines in layered superconductors, particularly Bi-based cuprates or organic superconductors. This instability may result in a phase transition to a uniformly twisted vortex state, which could be detected by torque magnetometry, neutron diffraction, electromagnetic or calorimetric measurements.PACS numbers: PACS numbers: 74.25. Bt, 74.25.Ha, 74.25.Qt Vortices in superconductors carry the quantized magnetic flux φ 0 = 2×10 −7 Oe·cm 2 resulting from the macroscopic phase coherence of superconducting state. Vortices also carry a non-quantized electric charge q caused by the suppression of superconductivity in the vortex core [1][2][3][4][5][6]. In low-T c s-wave superconductors this charge is usually negligible and does not manifest itself in the electromagnetic response of vortices driven by the Lorentz force of superconducting currents. However, the situation changes in superconductors with short coherence length ξ, low superfluid density and unconventional pairing symmetry combined with the competition of superconductivity with non-superconducting spin or charged ordered states, as characteristic of high-T c cuprates, recently discovered oxypnictides or organic superconductors [7]. For cuprates, theoretical estimates [1-4] predict a relatively large fraction ∼ 10 −3 of the electron charge e per each pancake vortex residing on the ab planes, yet even larger charge of different sign was observed by nuclear quadrupole resonance [8]. It has been suggested [1] that the vortex charge could change the sign of the Hall coefficient observed in cuprates [9] or result in structural transformations of the vortex lattice [10].In this paper we show that vortex charge can cause an intrinsic helical instability of a rectilinear vortex and a phase transition to a twisted vortex state. This instability is different from the helical instability of vortices driven by either currents flowing along the vortex line [12] or by screw dislocations [13] or twisted vortex states in rotating liquid He [14]. The buckling instability of vortices results from the Coulomb repulsion of charged pancake vortices which tend to shift away from the straight line along the c-axis as illustrated by Fig. 1. Such charge fragmentation is inhibited by the vortex line tension caused by weak magnetic and Josephson coupling of vortex pancakes [17,18], and also by charge screening, which confines the relative displacements of pancakes on neighboring ab planes within the Thomas-Fermi screening length λ T F . Thus, the helical instability would be most pronounced in layered materials with low vortex line tension and λ T F ∼ ξ, as characteristic of high-T c cuprates, ferropnictides or organic superconductors.To calculate properties of spiral vortices we write the excess linear charge ρ(r) in a vortex as followsHere the first term is the BCS contribution resulting from the change in the chemical potential µ around the core,1/2 is the modulus of the order param...