Submit Manuscript | cells 14.05 * 10 9 / L, neutrophils 87.2%, amylase 573IU / L. ECG showed: 1, sinus rhythm 2, T wave abnormality 3, incomplete right bundle branch block. Abdominal X-ray showed dilation of the small intestine with multiple ladder-like fluid levels ( Figure 1), supporting the diagnosis of colon obstruction. Abdominal CT showed: 1, local thickening of the sigmoid colon with mild exudative changes and multiple small surrounding lymph nodes. The patient has been hypertensive for many years with a history of cerebral infarction. After admission, the patient suffered from repeated episodes of vomiting, and increasing abdominal pain. On physical examination active bowel sounds were not present and there was no significant tenderness or rebound tenderness.Colonoscopy was performed. The colon became too narrow to pass the scope at 30 cms from the anus. Erosive haemorrhagic mucosa was seen and colon cancer was diagnosed. To relieve its obstruction, a stent (80x25mm) was implanted into the narrow lumen. Liquids were then passed through the stent, indicating the obstruction was resolved (Figure 2). One week late, the patient's general condition became much better and colectomy was performed (Figure 3). The segment with cancer was removed and the patient gained full recovery without complication (Figure 4) and was discharged within one week after colectomy.