Activity coefficients were determined at 293.15 K for the more dilute component in 24 binary solutions of nonelectrolytes, by gas-chromatographic analysis of the equilibrium vapor phase. One component of the binary mixture was either nitromethane, nitroethane, 1-nitropropane, 2-nitropropane, ethanenitrile, propanenitrile, ethyl ethanoate, or butyl ethanoate; and the other component was either heptane, 1-heptene, or 1,6-heptadiene.From the limiting activity coefficients of these components, some factors that affected their magnitude were identified. The values were also used to test the modifications of Prausnitz, Blanks, and Weimer, of Helpinstill and Van Winkle, and of Keller, Karger, and Snyder to the Scatchard–Hildebrand equation modified to accommodate polar components. In addition, the degree of constancy of the ratio of the dipole – induced dipole interaction parameter for a series of solutes in one solvent to that in another was considered.