Objective: To examine associations of teacher-rated conduct problems (CP) and hurtful and uncaring behaviours (HUB) at age 6 and 10 with criminal convictions up to age 24 among 1593 males and 1423 females, and to determine whether aggressive behaviour at age 12 mediated the associations of CP and HUB with criminal convictions.
Method:Teachers assessed HUB and CP at ages 6 and 10 and ratings above the 90th percentile at each age and within each sex were used to assign participants to 1 of 4 groups. Teachers assessed proactive, reactive, indirect, and verbal aggression at age 12. Juvenile and adult criminal records were obtained.
Results:High CP and HUB males, aged 6, were 4 times more likely than males with lower ratings to acquire convictions for violent crimes and 5 times more likely to acquire convictions for nonviolent crimes by age 24. High HUB and CP females, aged 6, were 5 times more likely than females with lower ratings to have a conviction for a nonviolent offence by age 24. Among males, both aged 6 and 10, high HUB without CP were associated with elevations at risk of convictions for violent and nonviolent crimes, while among females the elevations at risk were limited to convictions for nonviolent crimes. Different types of aggressive behaviour mediated associations of high HUB and CP with subsequent criminal convictions, but not the association of HUB without CP and crime.
Conclusions:Teachers in elementary schools rated behaviours that, from age 6 onward, significantly predicted criminal convictions into early adulthood.
L'évaluation des comportements d'enfants par des enseignants prédit le crime chez les adolescents et les adultes parmi 3016 hommes et femmesObjectif : Examiner les associations des problèmes de conduite (PC) et des comportements blessants et insensibles (CBI) cotés par des enseignants, à 6 et 10 ans, avec des condamnations au criminel jusqu'à l'âge de 24 ans chez 1593 hommes et 1423 femmes, et déterminer si le comportement agressif à l'âge de 12 ans aidait les associations des PC et des CBI avec les condamnations au criminel.
Clinical Implications• Teachers' ratings of their pupils' behaviours, as early as age 6, predict criminal convictions through adolescence and into early adulthood.• Childhood interventions to reduce these behavioural antecedents of criminality have the potential to reduce criminality and promote good psychosocial functioning.• Teachers' ratings could be used to assess the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing the behavioural antecedents of criminality.
Limitations• No data were available to compare the present measure of HUB with a measure of CU traits.• The sample was only followed to age 24.A small group of males and females who display CP that onset in childhood and remain stable across the lifespan 1,2 are responsible for most nonviolent and violent crimes.3,4 Presently, children who become criminal offenders are not easily distinguished from others with CP. [5][6][7] Further complicating the task of identifying at risk children is...