the relevance of the problem is justified by the need for innovative ap proaches to combating mine fires based on the use of computer model ling methods to predict the development of fires and their consequences. Analysis of statistical data for recent years has shown that in russia the most frequent cause of accidents in underground coal mining is fires (more than 40% of the total number of accidents). A similar situation is observed in China, which is the world's leading coal producer, where the overwhelm ing majority of major accidents at coal mines are fires and explosions. the main causes of fires are presented. the review of fire modelling methods used today is given, advantages and disadvantages of their application are indicated. to combat endogenous fires, based on numerical modeling, it is possible to form an optimal heat balance of coal self-heating processes by determining mining solutions to reduce the heat generation parameters of coal seams.
KeywordsCoal mines, underground fires, fire statistics, Coal mine accidents, Numeri cal modelling, Statistics of mine accidents, Modelling of mine fires. references Paper info