Introduction: This study was conducted to examine in depth the feelings, thoughts, experiences and difficulties faced by nurse academician mothers while raising their children. Methods: The phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The study was completed with 10 nurse-academician mothers. Data collection was done by individual interview method using a semi-structured interview form. The audio recordings obtained during the interview were turned into written documents by the researchers. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were used in the evaluation of the documents. Results: Participants in the study stated that educational processes were effective in deciding to become a mother and that many changes were experienced in their lives with motherhood. The nurse academician mothers stated that they had difficulties in carrying out academic life and motherhood at the same time, and that the difficulties experienced by their children differ according to their age periods. Mothers stated that being a nurse-academic while raising their children has advantages as well as disadvantages.
Conclusion:It was found that nurse academician mothers experienced the advantages of their profession as well as their disadvantages while raising their children. Our recommendation; determining the disadvantages of being a nurse academician mother, increasing studies towards this, and making both individual and institutional arrangements.